Friday, October 3, 2008

New beginnings I sort of saw coming...

Bad news on the job front kids. Ms. Dimes was laid off from her job yesterday due to money constraints. I had had a recurring dream where I would be laid off, and I suppose it was my subconscious trying to tell me something. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, and the force that guides me would not give me a challenge I couldn't face. I can do this; I can do anything. My motivation to succeed is what makes me get up everyday and keep trying to reach my goals.

Alright, enough of the self-help commercial. There have been other things going on, but they really don't matter in the grand scheme of things right now. I have been applying to places anywhere, and something good is right around the corner. Let's just hope that corner isn't on a street 2 months of blocks away. I can't be unemployed. Quite frankly, I don't understand people who choose to be unemployed. Working for your own money is a great thing.

Things with Mr. Charles are rapidly coming to an end. He's no good for me, and I deserve someone who is. I am just going to take this weekend to focus on relaxing and having a good time with friends. I am also going to focus on rum. Sweet, beautifully delicious rum.

So, keep your heads up. And I'll do the same.

Always yours,

Ms. Dimes.

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