Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It seems I'll never escape cheaters and cheating.....

My friends, it has been WAY too long. Let's talk about stuff. I am still umployed, but things are looking up for me. I have interviews lined up this week, and life has been good the past few weeks. The holidays are coming up, and you know Ms. Dimes can make a mean apple and pumpkin pie.

So, let's do my Fierce Five Topics of the Week.

1. Lady Gaga's debut album "The Fame" - This is my go-to record for getting me hyped before we hit the club. It's awesome and different, so check it out!

2. The end of TRL - Let's face it - it's long overdue. Good riddance!

3. Beyonce, Andy Samberg, and Justin Timberlake on SNL - Comic genius. Check it out on Youtube.

4. Blush - This is kind of like Project Runway or ANTM for make-up artists instead. Loves it, and can't wait to see what happens next. (What can I say? Reality t.v. is a guilty pleasure.) And speaking of reality t.v. that brings me too.....

5. Stylista - I LOVE this show. It eases my fix until Project Runway comes back on the air.

So let's get into the nitty gritty. This new website I have found is http://www.ashleymadison.com/ . It's basically a Myspace or a Facebook for people who want to cheat.

Now allow me to be clear: I DO NOT condone cheating. But I so do love a great story. And this will be one of my best. I have made a profile and posted up a photo of me to get the ball rolling. I'm going to infiltrate the system and see what I can dig up about both the website and the men.

And why would I do this? Because you dear friends deserve to know what's out there! I'll keep you posted!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's a new day folks....

So, where do I start? Well, I had my interview with Verizon, so we'll see how that goes. I got another offer for a job, but I looked up the company and it seemed like a scam so I didn't even bother going. Fuck that shit.

I had a long talk with Santi about how things were going, and he seemed to understand how myself and Stephanie felt after much shouting and arguing. Halloween was a good time, and Election Night was great too. I believe in Obama, and I hope people give him the opportunity to show his worth.

I have been feeling depressed lately, but I am keeping my head up. Things can only get better if you try and stay positive. Let's go with my fierce five, shall we?

1. Barack Obama - He is exactly what we need right now, I feel. And for all the McCain supporters, better luck next time!

2. M.I.A. - I know people love "Paper Planes" and all that, but she has been around for way longer than just that one song. She was going to retire from music, and just being an artist. She's pregnant now, and fixing to get married as well. But she's coming back. Check out her new single "Shells". HOT.

3. The Real Housewives of Atlanta - I love to hate these women. They make Paris Hilton look useful. But, they are entertaining.

4. Chocolate News - David Alan Grier doesn't get enough credit. He's hilarious, dammit. Check out the show Wednesday nights at 10:30 on Comedy Central.

5. Top Design - Nathan won, but I felt it should have been Preston's sexy ass. Delicious!

Wish me luck on the job hunt guys!