Friday, September 26, 2008

Dating matters....are bullshit!

Relationships contain all sorts of bullshit, but the amount depends on what type of relationship you want. I have many friends, and I am privy to hearing about all of their dating chaos and all the wonderful shit that comes with out.

Can someone please explain to me why you stay in a relationship when it doesn't make you happy? You are constantly bickering, there are more bad times than good, and it starts to affect every single aspect of your life i.e., work and friendships.

I can't see it. I refuse too. My parents stayed together for the good of us kids and that backfired in a major way. It's ridiculous, and it's selfish. It benefits NO ONE.

I have a male friend of mine who is dating a complete loser. He has no job, no car, no skills and he is immature to boot. My friend is only 3 years out of high school, but he is mature beyond his years. Yet he dates brain dead morons who inspire me to impale myself versus wanting to have a conversation with them. "I like them.", he says to me. I like trees, but I ain't going out to fuck one.

HELLO? Is anyone out there getting this?!

I have another female friend of mine who recently broke up with her disgusting loser of an ex, but she still spends time with him. "I miss him.", she says to me. I miss being a size 10, but we can't always have what we want. MOVE ON.

You want to know what that all stems from? Self-esteem. If you don't want the best you can get, it's because you don't believe you deserve it. And this chick wants it all. I want someone who has looks, and personality. I won't settle - EVER. And if you settle, get your mind right. Cause low self-esteem doesn't fade away, unlike some things.

It's just as bad as herpes, cause it's always under the surface.

Your queen on the scene,

Ms. Dimes!

1 comment:

notyourtypicalslut said...

Hear hear!

Also this made me laugh "I like them.", he says to me. I like trees, but I ain't going out to fuck one. Rude!