Thursday, September 25, 2008

You never really die. You just morph into something else.

I wanted to take a minute to give some love to my godfather Sabian (or Frankie, as we called him). He passed on two weekends ago due to pneumonia. He was always loving and made me feel special when I was a kid. May he rest in peace.

Work has been very unpredictable lately. I think I am coming to the end of my tenure here, and if that's the case.....FUCK IT. They have all of these outrageous expectations, and I think it's ridiculous. I have to leave work every day to go home and pay respects with some praying in the family. In their eyes I may as well have taken a shit at their desks while they were sitting at them.

Every job as expectations, and I am damn good at what I do and how I can adapt to things. The expectations they have are kind of out there though. I work for a beverage distribution company, and they want us to sell drinks most people in South Florida have never heard of or seen OVER THE PHONE. World, meet the dumb asses I work with. Dumb asses, meet the world.

I am working on a new blog about relationships and why people stay in them despite how toxic they are for themselves and all of their relationships. It'll offend I am sure.

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