Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Size matters....

Is bigger better? Bigger beds, purses, asses, glasses. I like everything bigger cause I have a personality that's larger than life AND an ass to match. But when I refer to size matters in this arena, you know what I mean: DICKS.

Now you could sit there and bullshit all you want, but a big dick is important. The first guy I had sex with had a penis the size of a Vienna sausage. It's actually a good thing too, cause I now look back on him as my starter dick. I won't put his name out there, but those 4 inches were a travesty. (God, remember that Heather? LOSER.)

The next guy was a little bit better cause he knew he had a small penis, but he had all the stamina of a jack rabbit. The next guy was more of the same, and then we get to a long running friend who has great sack skills. He opened my world (and my walls) up to a whole new class of penis. Now I demand nothing less than that. If it's under 7 inches, I just can't do it. Size queen? Maybe, but at least I am getting satisfied.

I have a question for all of those guys who are 4 or 5 inches. How do you cope with that ego wise? Do you look at your dick as the little engine that could? Or do you want to pull a Lorena Bobbitt and chuck that mother out a window into a field?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Fashionable as always,

Marsha Dimes

P.S. I am getting my first set of tattoos today. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sadly, yes I do remember...a flaccid cock will get you NOWHERE, guys!

I feel for the guys who have small ones. I think those are usually the ones that end up getting really good at oral. After all, they have no choice. Terrible.