Friday, August 22, 2008

Bad in bed, good in love?

Oh friends, how are we on this Fabulous Friday? Good, I hope. It's Ms. Dimes here with another installment of all things love and dating. The next topic of conversation is all about love versus sex. Let's get juicy.

Let's say you are in a relationship and all is going well. They make you laugh, you're comfortable around them, and they get along with your friends and family. Hell, you could even pass gas around them and they would laugh it off because they like you that much. But, there is just one big problem: they suck in the sack. Try as you both might, it's just not good. Is that a deal breaker? Could you be with someone you really loved, but who was bad at booty?

Allow me to be honest here: sex is important. Not as important as their personality. But just about for this girl. Why buy the car if the engine keeps stalling out? It makes no sense. And that seemed to be the majority of the consensus when I asked around.

And then there were the romantic players who said that if someone was bad in bed you could gear them to go more towards what you liked sexually. I could agree with that. If your g-spot curves left, you could teach Bad Sex Brad to go left. But there is no substitute for someone who isn't willing to learn what pleases you. If Brad (or whatever the name of your amour is) isn't willing to learn a few new tricks, dump that dead weight faster than a starlet does before the Oscars.

There is no excuse for laziness! Lazy lovers can hit the door. And that's my tidbit for the day. I hope everyone's weekend is just as fabulous as it can be.

Fashiontastically yours,

Ms. Dimes

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