Friday, July 18, 2008

Blogging for the very first time! I'm a virgin again!

Hello friends, family, former lovers, pending fucks, and anonymous people who enjoy reading blogs about people they know nothing about! My name is Marsha and I come from the great (or, if you've been watching the news in the last eight years) and shitty state of Florida. I live in South Florida to be precise. I am a natural born Floridian as well. Let's go through the quick bio of who I am and what I do.

I am twenty-four years young, and I work as a Sr. Production Account Manager for an up-and-coming t.v. production company. I love what I do, but my real passions are music and writing. And of course, sex. (But who doesn't love a little sex, hmmm?) I am currently writing a questionnaire on sex and relationships, and the majority of my friends have done the survey, but I wanted to take it world wide. Everyone dates, has sex, and has all sorts of relationships. (And if you don't, you're a nun, and you shouldn't be reading this anyway!) Before some asshole comes along and asks me what makes me qualified to write a blog about dating and relationships, I'll tell you.

Are you ready? Here it is: I can, because I say I can. Beat that, bitch. :)

Being a young woman in her 20s I have been through my fair share of dating drama, but that's only been in the last few years or so. Before I hit the age of twenty-one and lost my virginity (which sucked), I was like any other average girl saving it for marriage. I thought my Prince Charming would come along and sweep me off my feet and make me adore the ground he walked on. Truth be told, most men are assholes and I am getting better at spotting one a mile away.

There are different types of girls in this world, and I'll tell you which one I am. I am the Other Woman Girl. What does that mean? I am the girl that guys in relationships want to sleep with because their current beau sucks more than a Milli Vanilli reunion. (And yes I know the one guy is dead and that joke may be in poor taste, but fuck it. If you actually liked them you're an asshole anyway.) Off and on over the years, I have slept with or hooked up with at least 5 guys that I know had girlfriends. I am sure someone is going to comment that I am a home wrecker or some shit, but fuck that line of thinking.

If your boyfriend or girlfriend is going to cheat on you, chances are there is something wrong there anyway. But, I am getting ahead of myself. Back to me, and how fabulous I am. (Yes, I am shallow, but only minimally. Wait, that sounds bad. Make that, I am pleasantly shallow.)

I am a college and high school graduate, and I am the fifth out of six kids. I love food, but I hate gaining weight. I love movies, but I hated The Happening. (But then again, who didn't?) I love television, but if I have to see one more Real World season I'll kill myself. (And if I kill myself, how will you enjoy my ever so fabulous blogs?)

I want this blog to be an avenue for people to express themselves honestly, because I will. I am going to be as candid and open with the questions and my thoughts and stories as I can be, so don't be afraid to let it all out there. Just make sure that it's nothing smaller than 6 inches if you're a guy. And if you're a lady, put those things away before I blush.

Sock it to me and stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

I love reading your thoughts Ms. Dimez.... more more more lol... lets get to the juicy stuff.

The Perpetual Single said...

Why thank you reader. Let's keep it going, shall we?

Miss Building Blocks said...

LMAO! Your attitude seems to be a replica of mine! Hahaha... I'm only 21, but can relate to this one post in more than a few ways. Stay fabulous sista! Check me out... not much drama, but useful (well, at least for teens but you can still let me know what you think!)... will be frequenting your blog often!

Blessed Blogging

The Perpetual Single said...

Why you are too kind Miss Building Blocks.

Hope you enjoy what's to come!