Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It seems I'll never escape cheaters and cheating.....

My friends, it has been WAY too long. Let's talk about stuff. I am still umployed, but things are looking up for me. I have interviews lined up this week, and life has been good the past few weeks. The holidays are coming up, and you know Ms. Dimes can make a mean apple and pumpkin pie.

So, let's do my Fierce Five Topics of the Week.

1. Lady Gaga's debut album "The Fame" - This is my go-to record for getting me hyped before we hit the club. It's awesome and different, so check it out!

2. The end of TRL - Let's face it - it's long overdue. Good riddance!

3. Beyonce, Andy Samberg, and Justin Timberlake on SNL - Comic genius. Check it out on Youtube.

4. Blush - This is kind of like Project Runway or ANTM for make-up artists instead. Loves it, and can't wait to see what happens next. (What can I say? Reality t.v. is a guilty pleasure.) And speaking of reality t.v. that brings me too.....

5. Stylista - I LOVE this show. It eases my fix until Project Runway comes back on the air.

So let's get into the nitty gritty. This new website I have found is http://www.ashleymadison.com/ . It's basically a Myspace or a Facebook for people who want to cheat.

Now allow me to be clear: I DO NOT condone cheating. But I so do love a great story. And this will be one of my best. I have made a profile and posted up a photo of me to get the ball rolling. I'm going to infiltrate the system and see what I can dig up about both the website and the men.

And why would I do this? Because you dear friends deserve to know what's out there! I'll keep you posted!

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