Thursday, May 21, 2009

Yeah it's been FOREVER.

So much has gone down. I am okay. Working and making things try and happen. Stoned. So You Think You Can Dance and The Fashion Show with Alex. Bye!

P.S. Twitter me!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I plan to get mine in 2009!

It's been close to forever since I have blogged. Shame on me! I'm sorry, but at least now I can fill you up with all that Marsha goodness you've been missing.

Let's start back from Thanksgiving, shall we?

Thanksgiving: It was the usual greatness of smoking and eating all day. Heather and I cooked dinner and hung out all day. It was a great time. Morris! MORRIS!!!!!!!

Shortly after Thanksgiving I started working my new crappy (and seasonal) job at Macy's. I hate the work of retail, but it was a paycheck and you can't really pass that up now-a-days. I got along with everyone I worked with for the most part, but Macy's treats their employees horribly. I'm talking Wal-mart level of treatment. It's not cool at all. That and my boss was a massive asshole. He was the kind of fat guy that sweated just by standing up!

Christmas: I managed to get a few people gifts, but not everyone on my list. The remaining five will get their gifts, but I had other things that take precedence first. You know, like bills and other type things. Everyone has been nice about it so far, but there is one ass who shall remain nameless that actually asked me where his gift was. Being that I am trying to rise above all the shit in 2009, I let that one slide.

The dinner was nice, and everyone was happy.

New Years: I hung out with Heather and Luis and friends at Luis's house. It was fun, and I got a nice little buzz too. You don't need to go all out to celebrate the holiday, and what with the lack of money it proved to be a smart idea to stay in.

I have a lot of goals in 2009. Every month has a goal, and I have a lot of expectations for myself. And even if I don't reach all of my goals, I'll know I gave it my best.

I've also decided that men need to take a backseat in my life. 2008 was riddled with stupid drama from lameass guys I can't stand. I just want to enjoy myself and get to know the type of woman I aspire to become.

Me and several good friends come up with our Celebrity Death List every year of people we think will die in the coming months of 2009. Now, so far no one on my list has died. But I think I'm getting close.

Here's the list now:

1. Elizabeth Taylor - It's only a matter of time. She's been on my list every year so far too.
2. Hulk Hogan - He's gotta go some time.
3. Lil Wayne - He's one of the best out there. And he's also admitted he's addicted to codeine. It's only a matter of time before he pulls a Tupac as well.
4. Whitney Houston - Her career is dead so she may as well be too!
5. Pete Doherty - Maybe he'll get stabbed in jail to the benefit of us all.
6. Tyler Perry - How many of those stupid shows and movies are you going to make?! We fucking get it.
7. Aubrey O'Day - All that plastic surgery destroyed her, as well as Danity Kane. Time to die, bitch!
8. Vanilla Ice - Why does he still breathe?
9. Mickey Rourke - He may have made an outstanding movie last year, but he is still an outstanding asshole in my book.
10. Amy Winehouse - Come on man. Wouldn't you choose her?!

And that's all she wrote for the list!

Now I am just in search of a job for the month of January! Throw a prayer for me if you can.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It seems I'll never escape cheaters and cheating.....

My friends, it has been WAY too long. Let's talk about stuff. I am still umployed, but things are looking up for me. I have interviews lined up this week, and life has been good the past few weeks. The holidays are coming up, and you know Ms. Dimes can make a mean apple and pumpkin pie.

So, let's do my Fierce Five Topics of the Week.

1. Lady Gaga's debut album "The Fame" - This is my go-to record for getting me hyped before we hit the club. It's awesome and different, so check it out!

2. The end of TRL - Let's face it - it's long overdue. Good riddance!

3. Beyonce, Andy Samberg, and Justin Timberlake on SNL - Comic genius. Check it out on Youtube.

4. Blush - This is kind of like Project Runway or ANTM for make-up artists instead. Loves it, and can't wait to see what happens next. (What can I say? Reality t.v. is a guilty pleasure.) And speaking of reality t.v. that brings me too.....

5. Stylista - I LOVE this show. It eases my fix until Project Runway comes back on the air.

So let's get into the nitty gritty. This new website I have found is . It's basically a Myspace or a Facebook for people who want to cheat.

Now allow me to be clear: I DO NOT condone cheating. But I so do love a great story. And this will be one of my best. I have made a profile and posted up a photo of me to get the ball rolling. I'm going to infiltrate the system and see what I can dig up about both the website and the men.

And why would I do this? Because you dear friends deserve to know what's out there! I'll keep you posted!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's a new day folks....

So, where do I start? Well, I had my interview with Verizon, so we'll see how that goes. I got another offer for a job, but I looked up the company and it seemed like a scam so I didn't even bother going. Fuck that shit.

I had a long talk with Santi about how things were going, and he seemed to understand how myself and Stephanie felt after much shouting and arguing. Halloween was a good time, and Election Night was great too. I believe in Obama, and I hope people give him the opportunity to show his worth.

I have been feeling depressed lately, but I am keeping my head up. Things can only get better if you try and stay positive. Let's go with my fierce five, shall we?

1. Barack Obama - He is exactly what we need right now, I feel. And for all the McCain supporters, better luck next time!

2. M.I.A. - I know people love "Paper Planes" and all that, but she has been around for way longer than just that one song. She was going to retire from music, and just being an artist. She's pregnant now, and fixing to get married as well. But she's coming back. Check out her new single "Shells". HOT.

3. The Real Housewives of Atlanta - I love to hate these women. They make Paris Hilton look useful. But, they are entertaining.

4. Chocolate News - David Alan Grier doesn't get enough credit. He's hilarious, dammit. Check out the show Wednesday nights at 10:30 on Comedy Central.

5. Top Design - Nathan won, but I felt it should have been Preston's sexy ass. Delicious!

Wish me luck on the job hunt guys!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So many assholes, so little time....

Let me start off this blog by talking to all my men out there. Not all of you are little Lil Wayne, T.I., Jay-Z, Biggie, or any other famous rapper so stop rapping his lyrics. Chances are they've taken shits that have more talent then you. Also, don't be an asshole to women you don't know. Karma is the biggest bitch there is, and she is not to be fucked with.

This blog is all about letting the reader know just a touch more about who I am as a person. A few years ago, I had a livejournal and one post I did was a hundred facts about me. It always struck me as a cool idea, so I plan to do that again in this arena. And we're off!

Marsha's List of 75 Facts

  1. I've spent a lot of time being angry and my parents for abandoning me as a child. In fact, it's been like 13 years, really. Last night, I forgave them. It isn't up to me to judge them anymore.
  2. I've got two cats.
  3. I had a lot of self-esteem issues when I was a young girl, but the way I got over that was walking around my house butt ass naked when no one else was home. That'll get you over your shit really quick.
  4. I am obsessed with Kimora Lee Simmons. She's an icon in fashion, for those who are unaware. Hello, Baby Phat!
  5. I've never been in love. Sometimes I don't think I really know what it is.
  6. I've got an Associates degree in medical assisting, but I will never use it.
  7. I'd like to create a clothing line for ONLY size ten and up. When will fashion designers learn they are losing out on a key demographic by now creating those sizes in mass production.
  8. I have a photographic memory. I don't forget anything people tell me, most of the time.
  9. I've got a lot of friends, but there are only two who I know will be down for me for the whole of my life, no matter what.
  10. My favorite male rapper is Jay-Z. My favorite female rapper is Missy E. Ching ching getting paid over here.
  11. I've lived in Florida my whole life. Oh the horror!
  12. I am the black sheep in my family. It's interesting to live in a home with my family, and not feel as if I am a part of my family.
  13. I believe that for every smart person in the U.S., there are at least 5 stupid ones.
  14. In middle school I used to read four books a day, every day. I was a loner, obviously.
  15. I would much rather be smart then beautiful. Luckily for me, I've got both going on. :)
  16. My favorite insult is jizzbag.
  17. I am prone to depression, I feel. Especially during the holidays. All that family togetherness shit takes a toll on you after awhile.
  18. The first time I reached out to a drug to help me get over my feelings (which never works, by the way) is when I was 15. The only drug we had at the time was aspirin, and I used to take at least 6 at a time every day for years on end. And although it didn't give me my desired affect, it opened up the doors for me to try other drugs.
  19. My circulation system runs like shit. Always has.
  20. I couldn't comfortably say the word dick until I was 16.
  21. I can fit a whole jawbreaker into my mouth. I've got talent!
  22. I don't think I am mother material. I don't want to have kids for at least another ten to fifteen years.
  23. I'm the only child in my family to graduate both college and high school. On time, may I add!
  24. My birthday is August 17th.
  25. My favorite writer is Candace Bushnell.
  26. The first album I ever bought was Natalie Imbruglia's Left of The Middle.
  27. I was obsessed with Janet Jackson when I was a little girl.
  28. I want to travel to London in the next year or so.
  29. I voted for the second time this past Sunday. Get your asses out there and vote!
  30. I can't begrudge someone who can't spell. Ignorance is a choice.
  31. I want to live in New York City at some point in my life.
  32. My favorite comedian is Chelsea Handler. She's classic.
  33. I love reality television. Watching people act like complete assholes for money (or whatever reason) is always fun to watch.
  34. I hate going out to straight clubs and bars. The music is usually terrible, and most men of my generation couldn't talk to a wall, let alone a woman.
  35. I got my first two tattoos this year, and I plan to get a few more.
  36. I want to go bungee jumping sometime in the not too distant future. It'd be a rush.
  37. My style icon is myself, of course.
  38. I have major trust issues. It takes me years to completely trust someone.
  39. I love the smell of gasoline. It's intoxicating.
  40. I am on an extended break from smoking. The money I spend on it, and the lack of clarity it gives me I need to move away from.
  41. I love big hoop earrings. The bigger and bolder, the better.
  42. My favorite color is purple.
  43. My favorite aspect of my personality is my sense of humor. Where would I be without, I wonder.
  44. One of the many places that enabled me to understand my fabulousness is from drag queens. They are the fiercest bitches alive.
  45. I had my heart broken for the first time this year. Now that I am past it, he missed out on something special. His loss!
  46. I love N.E.R.D.
  47. I hate "tough guys". "Oh, I grew up in the hood so I'm a tough person. Don't mess with me." Oh, go fuck yourselves! The real make of a man is how he carries himself, not where he comes from.
  48. If I could have any special power it'd be reading people's minds.
  49. I would much rather kick it with Batman then Superman. He seems like he'd be more fun.
  50. I would sleep with Johnathon Rhys-Myers with no hesitation.
  51. You can actually add all of those hot guys I saw in the Spanish Harlem to that list. They were gorgeous.
  52. I would love to own a '67 Chevy Impala all tricked out. Those are some hot ass cars.
  53. I would love to hang out with Snoop Dogg for one day. He seems like he knows how to have a good time.
  54. My favorite band is Linkin Park.
  55. I want to open a clothing boutique someday.
  56. I wish I could sing. But the most I can do is keep a note together.
  57. I want to learn to break dance.
  58. If I could meet any dead person, it'd be one of five: King Henry the 8th (asshole), Tupac (admirable), Notorious B.I.G. (talented), Princess Diana, or my grandmother. I never got an opportunity. I never got to meet my father's mother cause she passed on before I was born.
  59. I love old school hip hop music from the year 2000 going back. Most rap music today has no soul or beat behind it.
  60. I haven't been to Haiti since I was five. I'd like to meet my other family from down there.
  61. I'm the same size now that I was in high school.
  62. I'd like to learn how to D.J. It's expensive to start though.
  63. My favorite old school hip hop song of the week is "You Gots To Chill" by EPMD. Learn about it people.
  64. My favorite physical is my ass. It's a force the likes of which most men aren't prepared for.
  65. I don't have a middle name yet. But I plan to add Dimes in there someday soon.
  66. "Juicy" is my never-give-up-anthem.
  67. I'm not sure if I believe in heaven, really. If I go to heaven, I hope it's as good as they say.
  68. I've been to Iowa, and I never want to go back!
  69. My motto is: "Believe in yourself, cause sometimes no one else will."
  70. I am only 5'5 and a 1/2, but I'd much rather be 5'8.
  71. I woke up one day, and I had a B-cup attached to my chest. And they didn't stop growing for years.
  72. If I wasn't named Marsha, I would've like to to have been named something that isn't patently annoying. Damn you Brady Bunch!
  73. I was an athlete in high school, but you'd be hard pressed to get me out there now.
  74. I'm allergic to chocolate milk.
  75. And lastly, I started my first book at the age of 12. I don't even know where it is now.

So there it is dear readers. Hope you enjoyed that.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Just watch my wildest dreams come true, not one of them involving you...

I'm ever so sorry I haven't been around to blog kids. I've been a tad depressed lately. With losing my job and all of the other things that have been going wrong, my heart hasn't really been into anything, much less blogging. But I'm back, and I am more ferocious than ever.

This is a brand new day, and a brand new life. I've discovered that I hate where my life is at now. Now don't misunderstand that statement. I don't hate myself or how far I have come, but I want more. And I'll stop at nothing to get it. I want my dreams to come true, and I don't have time for ANYHING that brings me down. My birth was twenty-five years ago in 1983. But my life starts today - October 27, 2008. And in this new life of mine several things will take precedence.

First and foremost, I am my own number one. Not my friends, family, or even my beloved pets. Just me. No one else will take care of me, so I have to do it.

Secondly, money is the slutty mistress of power. I enjoy both.

And thirdly, life is to short to worry about fuckers who don't matter anyway. No one is who they say they are. People let the truth out with body language and reading between the lines. It's not a bad thing, necessarily. It just means I have to learn more with my eyes instead of my ears.

The one good thing that did happen while I was depressed was a new thought that I had:

Marsha's Fierce Five of the Week!

I'll be listing the new trends, scandals, dramas, music, and shit you need to know about. Yes ladies and gents, your Fashion Queen is about to let you know what's hot (vintage Valentino), and what's not (animal print). Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee we go..........

1. Beyonce - I've been a fan of hers since back when Destiny's Child was taking over the world, but I adore her as a solo artist. Her new song "Single Ladies" is this lady's new anthem. Crank it up. Can't wait for the new album!

2. Halloween - It's four days away and I couldn't be more thrilled. It may be a kid's holiday, but we all know how to have fun with it. What's your costume going to be?

3. Lindsay Lohan - How is it that she went from one of Hollywood's brightest stars to someone that can barely keep a job?! Oh Lindsay, get a freaking clue. Those leggings you "created" look like they were attacked by weed wackers. And lets not even get into her reverse farmer tan on her feet. Listen up people: if you are getting a spray tan, DON'T FORGET YOUR FEET.

4. Candace Bushnell - I love her for creating the book Sex and The City. And I love her even more for One Fifth Avenue. If you haven't read either, get your ass on it.

5. Marsha - Why did I put myself on the list? Because I'm fabulous!

So that concludes the list.

What will she come up with next?!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

If you just realize like I just realize....

So much has been going on since I got laid off from my job. And by so much I mean lots of pity and anger towards my situation. I hate being without a job, and no one is hiring so it's like I am stuck on an island with nothing to keep me company but my own growing pains.

This weekend is Howl-O-Scream in Tamos so I am looking forward to enjoying the weekend with two of my best friends. Here's to hoping it won't suck.

I have a lot of shit to say, but my brain can't slow down long enough to put it all down so I'll come back tomorrow to lay it all down.